Pristine Locksmith is here to assist with all your locksmith needs at home! Whether you are locked out, need to replace a lock, building a new home, or wanting to improve home security, our locksmiths are here 24-hour a day, 7 days a week for you.
Your home needs to be and feel safe; your safety at your home is our priority. Our locksmiths have the training, knowledge, experience and high quality tools to secure your home from intruders. We are more than happy to recommend solutions for your home if you are not sure where to begin. Some of our residential locksmith services include but are not limited to:
- 24/7 Emergency Service
- Lockouts
- Lock Repair
- Lock Change
- Lock Installation & Replacement
- Lock Re-Key
- High Security
- Safes
- Mailbox Lock
- Window Lock
& more
Home security doesn’t have to break the bank. We provide a wide variety of affordable solutions that fit your needs. Please give us a call at 954-302-8883 to discuss how we can ensure your home is safe.
Proudly Serving

for all your locksmith needs!